Chipinge district is a
conservative community that has strong patriarchal beliefs, power and control
that have created social environment for the perpetuation of gender
inequalities. Through our #NdirimunthuNgeanthu
campaign, PYCD has put the issue of sexual violence, rape and abuse of young
women and girls on the spotlight. We have increased awareness on violence and
rape against young women and girls through women hearings, door to door
campaigns and interface meetings with traditional leaders among key community
The 2019 activities are
configured around the narrative of the UN Sustainable Development Goals as it
has been realised that gender discrimination is still woven into the fabric of
social norms. PYCD is of the belief that gender equality, quality education,
good health and well-being, sustainable cities and communities, peace, justice
and strong institutions will bring impetus to the elimination of violence and
rape against young women and girls.
PYCD will officially launch the
commemorations on the 2nd of December 2019 at Checheche growth point, through a
march that will fold into a mobile clinic to afford the community at large to
interact with free legal aid through one of our partner, the Zimbabwe Lawyers
for Human Rights (ZLHR).From the 25th there will be various
activities in selected wards of Chipinge Rural District Council. These
activities will include women hearings, men’s forums, interface meetings with
traditional leaders as well as understanding the plight of sex workers, door to
door campaigns and sensitisation meetings with key community stakeholders. The
16 Days of Activism Against Gender Based Violence will also address the unequal
economic relations between Mutema banana farmers and a large scale investment
company. The unequal relations have exposed the vulnerability of young women in
areas of entrepreneurship and land justice.
Young women have suffered
violence and discrimination in Chipinge district in the on-going evictions that
both the central government and local government have undertaken to pursue. Currently,
young women have borne the brunt of the exercises to evict villagers from their
area of residence. Women and girls are left stranded and exposed to sexual
violence and rape, just like what happened during the Cyclone Idai disaster.
Young women and girls suffered abuse, sexual violence and abuse as the
distribution of relief aid was heavily gender insensitive.
Another major highlight of the 16
Days of Activism Against Gender Based Violence will be a family fun day to be
held at Chibuwe Primary school aimed at providing psycho-social support to the
victims and survivors of Cyclone Idai disaster.