Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Government of Zimbabwe Press statement on the Chisumbanje Ethanol Project

Getting the Chisumbanje Ethanol Project Back on Track

 Press Statement

Prof. Arthur G.O. Mutambara
Deputy Prime Minister, Republic of Zimbabwe
Chairman Inter-Ministerial Committee

19th September 2012

1.  Introduction
1.1       The Chisumbanje Ethanol Project is a national project of great strategic importance where ethanol is produced from sugarcane. The project consists of sugarcane plantations in Chisumbanje and Middle Sabi, with the Ethanol plant being located in Chisumbanje. World class irrigation infrastructure has been put in place, and an outstanding ethanol producing plant constructed. The Project has potential to radically improve our fuel security and economics, introduce efficient irrigation schemes, support smallholder out-grower schemes, create jobs, generate large amounts of electric power, and stimulate major downstream industries.

1.2       However, several issues and problems at the Chisumbanje Ethanol Project have resulted in the stoppage of production activities at the ethanol plant. To address these matters, there is need for a common understanding of the challenges the project faces. It is within this context that this Inter-Ministerial Committee has done its work and produced the current report. The objective is to provide a holistic solution to the project’s challenges in a way that allows production to resume and for the project to realize its full potential in contributing to the economic development of Zimbabwe.

1.3       Committee members visited Chisumbanje on the 22nd and 26th of August, 2012 on a fact finding mission, and met in Harare on the 3rd and 17th of September 2012 to discuss their findings and to start the process of building a portfolio of solutions that will put the project back on its course.

1.4       The Chisumbanje Ethanol Project is an enterprise of strategic and national importance, which has the potential to be the nucleus for the development of an ethanol industrial cluster. The project currently has issues and problems in two broad areas, which are: social and community related, and, technical and business related. Long term and sustainable solutions should be found to these issues based on a thorough and technical analysis of the problems instead of politicizing the issue. The solutions should balance between three buckets of interests, that is, community, private and national. The solutions should provide a win-win scenario for these three potentially conflicting areas of interests. The resolution of the challenges should be proffered in ways that protect the integrity of the government while engaging all the stakeholders involved and affected.

Summary of Key Recommendations
There are two sets of problems that the project faces. Firstly, there are community and social issues that have emerged in the course of the establishment of the project and as a result of its operation. Secondly, there are technical and business related issues and problems which have led to low uptake of ethanol fuel blends. All these issues require immediate solutions and action in order for the Chisumbanje Ethanol Project to get back on track.

2.  Social and Community Issues: Recommendations
With regard to the Social and Community issues, the key suggestion is that all households that were displaced or mishandled must be compensated and resettled. Lessons must be learnt, and going forward an inclusive and consultative approach must be adopted. The following specific actions are recommended for the issues and problems that have been identified:

2.1       The Chipinge Rural District Council should immediately regularise all land acquisitions to the project in accordance with the law by completing the appropriate lease agreement with ARDA in compliance with the Communal Land Act (Chapter 20:04). Specifically, the outstanding lease agreement for 2663 hectares that have already been ceded to the Ethanol Project, together with Council decisions enabling this particular land acquisition, should be reviewed and harmonized in order to align them to the recommendations contained in this report. Thereafter, the lease agreement must be completed and signed.

2.2       Out of the total 1754 households displaced from their communal lands in Chisumbanje (1060) and Chinyamukwakwa (694) communal lands, only 516 have been resettled. The Company should immediately relocate the outstanding 1238 households who have not been relocated on irrigated land. The 0.5 ha one size fits all is inadequate. An asset audit (i.e., land, livestock, crops, buildings, equipment and family size) for each displaced household must be conducted so that the compensation and resettlement is meaningful. Consequently, the size of irrigated land provided must range from 0.5 ha to 2 ha. Where the household becomes an out-grower the irrigated land will be much more. In addition it must be ensured that each household has land for housing and livestock. Certainly 619 ha of irrigated land will be inadequate to accommodate the 1238 households. Furthermore some of the displaced households must be accommodated as sugarcane out-growers, and producers of other products and services, to the Ethanol Project. These adjustments to the resettlement strategy must be applied retroactively to the resettled 516 households. Other social safety nets and facilities designed to accord the displaced households sustainable means of livelihood must be developed and provided. These should include feedstock schemes, general infrastructure provision, schools, and clinics. The Ministry of Agriculture in consultation with other relevant ministries must develop a detailed smallholder resettlement model that takes into account the elements articulated above.  

2.3       The Company should immediately compensate and resettle the 117 households that had offer letters and were displaced from ARDA estates. With Government and ARDA supervision, the Company should engage the farmers directly and pay the compensation in lieu of the land user rights that were lost, and negotiate terms for the farmers to continue to live on the estates as out-growers and producers to the Ethanol Project. Of the 117 farmers who held sub-leases in ARDA estates, 116 have stayed on as out-growers of sugarcane to the Project. Their major grievances have been non-payment of compensation for land user rights and slow payment for cane delivered to the project in the 2010/2011 season. Of the total, US$196,800 due to the farmers for that season, US$161,800.00 had been paid and US $35,000 was outstanding and was only paid on 14th September, 2012. All payments to these farmers are effected through ARDA. With Government and ARDA supervision, the Company should go into direct arrangements for payment of these farmers, and should avoid delays in paying for crop deliveries.
2.4       In addition to enabling displaced households to be sugar cane out-growers and producers of subsistence crops on irrigated land, they must also be enabled to grow other cash crops such as cotton and wheat, which were the bed-rock of commercial agriculture in Chisumbanje area. The Company must play a facilitative role in this extra endeavor, which is not part of the sugarcane out-grower scheme, but rather an effort to address the broader social and commercial concerns of the community.

2.5       The company should immediately compensate households that lost crops in the process of developing the Project’s dams and canals in accordance with the assessments of crop damages that were carried out by Agritex officials and further enhanced and adjusted by information obtained directly from the affected communities. It is unfortunate that some of these crops were insensitively ploughed down by the Company. This is completely unacceptable. A total of US$80 500.00 is due to these households according to the combined reports from Agritex, traditional leaders and the victims. This compensation must be paid immediately. So far, only US$39,142 has been paid as compensation for crop damages broken down follows: (1) US$19,419 for crop damages to number of households whose land was taken from an area under Headman Chisumbanje known as DRC. (2) US$9,690 that has been paid in lieu of crops that were destroyed from among another set of households  displaced from Headman Chisumbanje’s area, and (3) US$10,033 for crops destroyed from a few  village households displaced from Chinyamukwakwa communal lands. The rest of the compensation that has not been provided must be paid immediately.

2.6       Verified reports from the displaced communities indicate that livestock was lost through being shot, drinking contaminated water, or by the levying of undue and oppressive fees for trespassing. A total compensation of US20 000.00 must be advanced to the affected communities.

2.7       There are few individuals who were victims of violence, contaminated water, and unsafe working conditions. Rehabilitation of, and compensation to, these people amounts to about US15 500.00 must be immediately effected. The Company must swiftly install a water purification system for the contaminated water from the plant before it is recycled for human and livestock consumption. Care must be taken that drinking sources for people and livestock are not linked or exposed to the fertilizer rich by-product water from the ethanol plant, which is recycled for irrigation. The Project must take cognizance of the fact that households will have livestock and thus mechanism of coexistence with this reality must be put in place.

2.8        In order to avoid future acrimonious community relations, Government and ARDA should maintain an effective oversight of the implementation of the Project. Specifically, the current Inter-Ministerial committee should continue to supervise and monitor the process assisted by its Working Party of officials. At the local level, the District Joint Implementation Committee should be broadened to include the Council Chairperson, all local chiefs, the local Member of Parliament, two Councilors, two workers union representatives and four representatives of the displaced and affected households (two from Chisumbanje and two from Chinyamukwakwa).

2.9       The grievance that not enough local people are being employed must be addressed. As illustration Greenfuels employs a total of 975 workers. Out of that number 202 workers are from the Chipinge District translating into 20.7 %. This is too low. Out of an overall employment of 3237 people only 1099 are from the Chipinge District, meaning 34%, which is clearly unacceptable. The company must strive to raise their overall local employment equity. In particular, all the low skill jobs must go to locals. Of course we need to balance our resolution of this grievance with desire to promote national cohesion and integration.

2.10     The allegations of racism at the Company were not fully substantiated. However, the fact that they were made by a number of stakeholders is sufficient basis to encourage the Company to improve its racial harmony by treating all employees with equality and dignity, irrespective of race. This must be reflected in all employment and management practices including hiring, pay, benefits, appraisals, promotion, and shop-floor treatment   

2.11     The disputed figures on the numbers of workers (4500 vs. 3237) that the project employs notwithstanding, it is clear that the project has a substantial number of employees and has a potential to employ even more as it expands. Going by the minimum number as reflected in NSSA records, the 3237 jobs at stake requires that Government takes urgent action to save the Project.

3.  Technical and Business Issues: Recommendations
In terms of the technical and business related issues and problems, the solution matrix consists of converting the entire project into a JV, making the pricing of ethanol competitive, engaging in comprehensive marketing of ethanol blends, while gradually adopting mandatory blending. The following specific solutions and actions are recommended in order to enable resumption of the Ethanol plant operations in as short a period as possible:
3.1       The Cabinet decision to convert the Project from a BOT to a JV must be upheld and implemented within the proposed timeline of two months. It must be noted that Ethanol plant is not on ARDA land, and was not part of the BOT, which means this BOT arrangement was actually detrimental to the national interest. In doing the BOT conversion to JV due diligence and investment/project valuation there is need for rigour and creativity. The veracity of the claim that US$600m has been invested must be established, including the source of the financing. There must be robust and creative valuation of the State’s asset contributions to the Project, such as the land (40 000ha), equipment, intellectual property, institutional memory, other state assets usable as security for loans, the partnership with government as an asset, and value enhancing instruments such as mandatory blending. In fact, the State can easily bring to the Project assets that will enable it to achieve 51% ownership of if not higher. The work on converting the Project from a BOT to a JV must proceed speedily. In fact once concluded this conversion to a JV will make most of the other technical and business issues easily resolvable.

3.2       Mandatory blending should only be considered within the context of a JV. We cannot have mandatory blending for one private producer of ethanol. If there were several producers it might make sense. As a starting point, the mandatory blending should be at the 5% level. This should be implemented immediately, on the assumption that the conversion from the BOT to a JV is now irreversible. The legal instrument required and other supportive measures must be put in place. This mandatory E5 fuel specification would increase the uptake of ethanol fourfold to 2.3 million from the current 0.6 million litres and result in 3% lower carbon emissions. E5 is also the ideal starting point because none of the car manufacturers and sellers has a problem with that level of ethanol, whereas there were complaints about certain vehicles’s compatibility with E10. For the abundance of caution, Greenfuels design an acceptable insurance policy framework that will compensate motorists in the event of any damage to vehicles due to the use of E5.

3.3       For now blending at 10%, i.e., E10 should continue as voluntary and optional until measures to mitigate adverse impact on non-compatible vehicles are in place. Once this is achieved, the mandatory blending can graduate to 10%.

3.4       As mentioned in the National Energy Policy launched recently the government targets to reach levels of mandatory blending of 20% by 2015. To achieve this, research work should start now. Government, through its various agencies, can start engaging experts on bio-fuels to look into the best ways to achieve the 20% level of blending. In summary we are proposing a gradual adoption of mandatory blending from 5%, through 10%, right up to 20%.

3.5       For now, the blends E10, E20, E85 and E100 must continue as optional products on the market for vehicles that are compatible with them.

3.6       The logistics and infrastructure for all the blending levels must be developed quickly. Blending should be done from Msasa and at oil companies’ outlets until alternative sights are in place, in particular modifications at Feruka. In fact, blending logistics must be rapidly developed for fuel coming through all the different entrance points into the country, be it by road, rail or pipeline.

3.7       The government should direct car manufacturers/ assemblers/ dealers/ agencies to immediately start importing vehicles which take ethanol blends. Policies should be developed that encourage individuals to import vehicles which take ethanol blends. Such policies can take different forms but Government should be the main driver of the efforts to increase the fleet size so that there will be increased uptake of ethanol blends. In addition, where feasible, gadgets which adjust vehicles and make them compatible with high levels of ethanol must be procured.

3.8       The issue of pricing of ethanol should be based on the best practice formulae and be regulated. It must reflect regional and global pricing of ethanol, and take cognizance of the low caloric value of ethanol. It must take into the cost build up involved in producing  a litre of ethanol in Zimbabwe (Greenfuels and Triangle) and the landed cost build of landed fossil fuel (unleaded petrol). On the basis of the analysis done, with the motivation to encourage consumers to use ethanol blends, while jump-starting the Company, the generous price of 85 cents per litre of ethanol is suggested. The actual price should be 69.2 cents per litre. The price of 85 cents a litre, will mean the prices of the blends will be as follows; E5 (US1.47), E10 (US$1.43), E20 (US$1.37), E85 (US$0.95), E100 (US$0.85), as compared to unleaded fuel going at the rate of US1.50 a litre.

3.9       From the analysis of the impact of the price of ethanol on the price of the blends it is clear that only competitive pricing will make the blends attractive. In fact, with the correct pricing of ethanol and effective marketing there might be no need for mandatory blending. Consequently, the price of 85c a litre of ethanol being suggested is just a starting point. The objective is to eventually adjust the price to 70c a litre. This will be possible as the company will now be enjoying volume driven economics, while the different ethanol blends will be very attractive at E5 (US1.46), E10 (US$1.42), E20 (US$1.34), E85 (US$0.82), E100 (US$0.7) compared to unleaded fuel going at the rate of US1.50 per litre.

3.10     Fuel prices will not remain at the current levels.  They could rise, in which case the ethanol company would have a windfall in profits; but prices could equally fall and that would make the production of ethanol uneconomic and hurt sugarcane farmers. There is need to consider the idea of a 'cushion fund'/other mechanism to take advantage of high crude oil prices and to establish a floor price/other mechanism for ethanol prices were international crude oil prices to drop drastically. This would require the involvement of Treasury in these discussions given the linkage with duties and other taxes that can be used as incentives.

3.11     Once all these technical and business decisions are made and the community issues are resolved, it is important for the Company and the government to carry massive marketing campaigns for Ethanol fuel blends. Some of the consumers’ negative attitudes to ethanol are based on sheer ignorance and fear of the unknown. In fact, from a review of the history of fuel blending before independence up to 1992, there is no evidence of vehicle damage due to the use of ethanol blends. Furthermore ethanol technology and quality has improved since then, and so has car technology towards compatibility with ethanol blends. The benefits of ethanol blends and the associated personal, community, national and environmental advantages must be clearly articulated in a massive branding and marketing campaign.

4.   Concluding Remarks

4.1       The two sets of recommendations must be implemented concurrently and immediately. All the recommendations to resolve the social and community issues must be implemented with urgency. The Committee rejects the conditional approach that says these challenges can only be addressed when the plant is running, after the business and technical issues are resolved. This is completely unacceptable. In fact, some of the community issues were supposed to have been addressed before the Project started. Furthermore, the quantum of resources required to address these concerns are quite insignificant compared to the financial scale of the project. While we appreciate that resolving the business issues leading to the running of the plant will make it easier, and less financially burdensome for the Company to address the social concerns, it is our unyielding conviction that not only has the company got the requisite resources, it has a legal and moral obligation to address the concerns of the communities, immediately. Community buy-in and ownership are critical for such an important national and strategic project.

4.2       In embracing the redress to communities, beyond compensation for assets/land lost, it is important to leave them with an arrangement that secures their incomes as out-growers and sellers of produce to the company. It is also possible here to revisit the BOT so that its terms are reworked/revised in such a way that the company hands over the assets to a Community Trust rather than to ARDA, and it should be possible for the Community Trust to enter into management contract with the Company or any other competent management entity.

4.3       The government must quickly mobilise all the concerned stakeholders in order to expeditiously implement the technical and business recommendations presented in this report. This will enable the Chisumbanje Ethanol Project, a national and strategic project to start running.

4.4       Once the issues raised in this report are addressed, and the plant is fully operational it might be possible for Government to explore the possibility of a motor manufacturing plant using Brazilian technology so that a few models that use high ethanol content can be assembled locally. In fact, we can think in terms of an ethanol industrial cluster, with many products and services driven by ethanol. As we address the problems that have led to the derailment of the Ethanol Project, we must not miss the forest for the trees. This Project is a national and strategic asset with a potentially huge impact on our economy, through radically changing our fuel economics, power generation (supplying the entirety of Manicaland), multiple downstream industries, new dependent projects such as Kondo Dam, and a potential car manufacturing industry, alluded to above.

4.5       This full report outlining the work and recommendations of the Inter-Ministerial Committee was adopted by Cabinet on the 18th of September 2012. This presentation encapsulates the collective and considered position of an inclusive set of Ministers who set out to address some tough matters. In doing its work the Committee consulted and involved all the stakeholders and engaged the entire ethanol ecosystem. The two sets of recommendations, seek to balance between community, private and national interests, as we strive to bring this strategic project back on course.

Deceptive hope for Chisumbanje communities

After years of economic plunder, pillaging coupled with an uncontrollable economic meltdown, Agricultural Rural Development Authority (ARDA) finally collapsed. The main business entity that brought life to the sleepy Checheche Growth Point and the surrounding areas could no longer operate causing so much suffering to the locals who had become dependent on it for survival.

In the process, vast employment and business opportunities were lost plunging hundreds of people back into the village without alternative source of living. The grief was not to last long as rumours of a new gigantic investor started filtering the whole community like wind sending screams of joy for the restoration of survival means.
The new investor only discovered later to be Macdom Investments under the banner of Green Fuel entered into an agreement with the ailing ARDA to construct an ethanol plant at the latter’s premises. The harsh landing of ARDA had resulted in tragic loss of so many opportunities that came with the presence of a key economic driving company.

The new investor was oozing with promises of economic recovery, employment and community development which the locals been deprived of since the demise of ARDA. The locals never took time to accept that the government had done a fairly good job in awarding Chisumbanje with a big investment of that magnitude. In the midst of joy, news spread like a virus, ‘Macdom Investments wanted to take over all the community land since the 5000ha from ARDA was not enough to match the capacity of the built machine.’

Confusion become rife in the community with some accepting that big projects like bio-fuel business will bring more benefits that the small pieces of land lost. Some were convinced that they were being treated unfairly. Cheap fuel to the community and the country at large, eco-friendliness and ability to generate employment formed part of the strong points scored against the vulnerable locals who started seeing perennial hunger and poverty looming.

Promises of small irrigation plots were heard but no clear communication from the company or any of its representatives were available to substantiate the fact. The idea appeared noble since drought and hunger had taken deep roots in the community. Many thought a saviour had come in the form of Green Fuel and no reasonable human being would turn down such a God given privilege.

Pressure was coming from all angles for the locals to accept the coming of Green Fuel as a key development in the area. Determination to remain masters of their own destiny won the contest and the locals continued to fight for their land. They were resolved to fight for justice and never to accept something that is not mutually beneficial. The company and former land owners ARDA were communication differently further complicating and reducing the whole issue into some episodic drama.

The project scored reasonable points against a hostile community but along the way lost some valuable marks because in the midst of proving their worthiness, tragic scenes never stopped happening in the community. After the machine started operating, villagers woke to the news that livestock, fish and frogs had died in one of the local rivers where the wastes from the machine were being disposed into. 

Firstly the company prioritized people from other districts ahead of locals in employment opportunities. This angered the locals who lost trust in the capacity of the investor to help them overcome an almost looming poverty. The company had promised that in return for lost land locals were prioritized for employment opportunities and this proved that the company was preaching the gospel they were not willing to live.

In addition the investor was not forthcoming in terms of helping resolve some of the community problems like helping social service providers like schools and clinics in meeting their goals in the face of limited resources. This portrayed an investor who was only concerned in amassing wealth without giving back to the community.

No proper consultations were made between the company and the community leadership inclusive of chiefs, headman, Member of Parliament and Councillors and this has led to confrontational scenarios and for a company as big Green Fuel and serious as much as portray, lack of basic communication procedures shrouds the whole investment into clouds of suspicion and up to date no one from the local community and Zimbabwe at large really understands what the company intends to do and how it operates.

This has reduced the value and trust local communities had on the investor giving the latter a mountainous task to make sure that they convince the locals to share the same goal and agenda so that they work together to ensure that the relationship is mutually beneficial typical of the time ARDA was in operational.

Statement on the International Day of Peace

"As we forge ahead let us continue to exert our energy in fostering unity, peace, development and equality of opportunity of all our people," President Mugabe at the official opening of the 4th session of the 7th parliament.
Platform for Youth Development PYD joins the rest of the world in commemorating the International Day of Peace. We salute all individuals, organisations and governments that have committed resources and effort towards ensuring that peace prevails in the world. We are also indebted to our local organisations and movements that subscribe to the global message of peace.
As a youth organisation, we feel honoured by our involvement in peace campaigns. We are very cognisant of the value of peace in national development and democratic processes. We therefore wish to challenge all Zimbabweans to respect and honour President Mugabe’s message of peace in the country. The only question that remain unanswered is the President’s level of commitment to peace when his own party is unrepentant and responsible for the recent spate of violence at Parliament building, Fourth Street bus terminus and Mbare suburb.
As we approach the referendum, we call upon the people of Zimbabwe to respect and make a pledge for peace in the country. Zimbabweans should now begin to see elections as a democratic necessity and not a battle zone. Elections provide citizens with freedom and right to choose a political party that present the best opportunities for them. This is something that can be done in a peaceful manner without fighting and killing one another.
PYD believes peace is a critical element if Zimbabwe is to develop itself into a mature democracy that meets regional and international emulation. This clarion call demand concerted effort towards creating a peaceful environment for every citizen. It is thus imperative that messages of peace be reinforced and amplified for Zimbabwe to gain faith from its citizenry.
We wish to raise concern over the lackadaisical manner in which COPAC is conducting its business at the Rainbow Towers. We believe the new constitution is a critical foundation of peace hence should be properly handled. We become worried when politicking and partisan tendencies become the order of the day even at the uploading stage.
PYD is increasingly worried that the organ on National Healing and Reconciliation and Integration has already thrown the towel and accepted failure when it was everyone’s hope that they were going to be engine for a once more peaceful Zimbabwe.
Lastly we feel betrayed by the current Indigenization and Empowerment drive which is being handled in a partisan manner by Minister Kasukuwere. Just recently the nation woke up to the news that marauding Zanu PF youths were grabbing buildings and businesses in Masvingo and Chiredzi in total defiance of the principles of peace. The biggest question from young people is whether the Empowerment drive is genuine and if so how does Chisumbanje ethanol project fare noting that Billy Rautenbauch and Graeme Smith are all controversial investors.
Compiled by Information and Communications Department
P Bag 5004 Checheche
Cell: +263773010331, 0773011599

Friday, 22 June 2012

 Day of the African Child Chisumbanje, Chipinge, children from surrounding schools marching from the township to the venue of the meeting
 Take action and protect us, children were saying
 Adressing school children, PYD Director, Claris Madhuku
 Chawira sports academy founder member, Sailas Chawira addressing the gathering
 Leading from the front, PYD Director, Claris Madhuku
 Bubbling with energy, they sang and dance in commemoration of the day the Soweto children were massacred in 1976
 Take action, challenge violence against women
 PYD team from left to right, Priscillar Chimanyiwa, Sally Mlambo, Tinashe Chamisa and Memory Masokweni
 Youth Dialogue Action Network member Owen Dhliwayo
Elder women supported the day of the African child
 Owen Dhliwayo, Priscillar Chimanyiwa and Memory Masokweni
 The African child on his day
 The Honourable member of parliament for Chipinge South, Meki Makuyana
 The young poet doing what he knows best
 Hon Meki Makuyana hands over a sports kit to the winner of the African Child trophy
 winning teams had time to zora butter, netball team from Katanga

PYD staff and community leaders pose for a picture with the winners


Despite the prevailing sombre atmosphere as the people of Chisumbanje are battling to adjust to the tragic loss of Noel Mundeta (Chipinge District Administrator),a provocation is brewing.

Early this morning 21/06/12 flyers have been distributed urging the residents of Chisumbanje to support the reopening of the Chisumbanje Ethanol Plant unconditionally. Not only that, a group of unidentified individuals have been visiting traditional leadership overnight threatening them with death if their subjects would dare oppose the reopening of the plant. Workers at the plant have been couched on how to speak in support of the project. As you read, those patronised employees are being carried by the company buses to the venue of the meeting in Chisumbanje. Many unknowing and uninformed members of the community have been promised heaven on earth if they are able to speak in favour of the reopening.

The meeting which is expected to be attended by Minister of Agriculture Joseph Made, Minister of Energy Elton Mangoma and other government delegation is expected start at 1000hrs at Chisumbanje primary school. The flyers are emanating from the offices of the investor. This is clearly provocative as it undermines the objective discussion that is supposed to take place at the planned meeting. We are no longer confident if the views of the community will be respected. Barely on Saturday the 16th of June 2012, had over 2 500 people in Chisumbanje clearly articulated their recorded worries against the reopening.

PYD position is clear. The people of Chipinge should be given respect and their worries attended to before the plant reopens. We demand the consideration of employment to the locals, we demand that the Investor be guided by a well published and communicated Memorandum of Understanding, We demand a clear boundary resolution between the investor and the people of Chisumbanje. All these demands should be the basis of discussion and agreements.

The problem created by the investor and partners is to abuse people who are non resident in Chisumbanje to speak. We are concerned that people who are uninformed and unpatriotic are being given space to decide on this controversy. We condemn the intimidation of traditional leadership, who are being coerced to unilaterally support oppression and displacement of their subjects.

This meeting today should have been postponed to allow the people of Chisumbanje to mourn their late D.A Noel Mundeta.People of Chipinge deserve respect.
We are sure the voice of people in Chisumbanje will prevail and be heard.

Inserted by PYD Information Department
Statement on the commemoration for the Day of the African Child

Platform for Youth Development Trust (PYD) joins Africa and the rest of the world in commemorating the Day of the African Child. This year’s theme: The right of children with disability, the duty to protect, promote and fulfil is well meaning and fits well with the work PYD is undertaking. Children and young people all over Africa have suffered from neglect, abuse while being taken for granted mainly by governments and political leadership. The Day of the African Child provides PYD with a rare opportunity to evaluate what governments, political leadership and local communities are doing for the children and young people.

The 2012 edition of the day of the African child is yet another sad chapter as the welfare of children is still to be a top priority of many African governments. Reports of child rape, kidnapping of pupils coming from schools, child trafficking, and political violence cases have resurfaced in the press. The talks of elections as well as the inconclusive constitutional reform have all contributed to shrink the available space for the young people, while increasing their vulnerability to abuse and patronage.

It should be the duty of society to protect children with disabilities who continue to be victims of abuse. Society has shown a lack of respect for the children with disabilities. African governments and civic groups should work hard to promote the rights of disabled children as society looks failing to accept as equal members.

Like every other child, disabled children have ambitions and goals in life. It is our utmost desire to see society working hard to ensure that everyone helps to fulfil the ambitions of the disabled. Disability is not inability and it should be everyone’s challenge to see to it that those disabled members of society are integrated in all initiatives as this goes a long way in motivating them to work for the fulfilment of their visions and goals.

The constitutional reform process which was expected to be the life blood of youth empowerment is proving to be a dead end. The Copac team has literally failed to produce an agreed draft document, while important national issues are getting PARKED. In addition to having excluded the young people in the committee and outreach processes, the leaked draft is clearly not youth friendly.

As we commemorate the Day of the African Child we wish to reiterate that it is that time young people find their space in all national democratic, social and economic processes. Time has come for young people to start championing for their inclusion in all processes and negotiations that seeks to map and shape the present and future of Zimbabwe.

PYD is glad to commemorate the day while basking in the glory of much added relevance culminating from the developments at the Chisumbanje Ethanol Plant. Having been vocal and poignant against the Green fuel/Macdom behaviour towards the community, the organisation has already been vindicated.

The Chisumbanje investor whose relationship with the government of Zimbabwe was not in any formal and binding had no right to destabilise the livelihoods of the local communities by grabbing their land. The investor has continued to disregard local youths in its activities as they continue to play second fiddle to expatriates and manpower from faraway places.

We receive the message that the government of Zimbabwe has taken over the administration of Green fuel with a sigh of relief. However we are quick to remind the government to quickly resolve the land dispute with the community as well as address the disparity in the awarding employment contracts at the company. Young people in the area have been demonstrating and complaining with no action being taken.

The Zimbabwe government has literally failed to honour the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) on health as well as the Abuja declaration that compels governments to target 15% of the national budget on health funding. This has a large bearing on young people who are make up more than 60% of new HIV infections in Africa and world over. 

We commend the government and stakeholders to continue in the fight against HIV/AIDS. While the disease seems manageable in the urban set up due to increased knowledge, this has not been the case with the rural areas. We have cases of this pandemic affecting young people and children the most. Statistics point that around 60% of the affected and infected are young people.

PYD is very much disturbed by the continuous talk of elections without clear evidence of reforms that seeks to guard against violence and rigging. While we acknowledge that the GNU must finally be concluded because of the involved parties’ inherent differences, constitutional reform must be given proper mindset not compromises and concessions that are only detrimental to the progress of our great country.

NB-PYD is commemorating the day of the African Child at Takwirira High School grounds in Chisumbanje, Chipinge from 0900hrs to 1700hrs. The day will start with a cleanup campaign followed by the main activity that will be filled with poems, dramas and entertainment to be provided by selected primary and secondary schools from Chipinge district. The main entertainment shall be provided by Poets for Human Rights as well as Savannah Arts .In addition to the local traditional dances of Muchongoyo, there shall also be a soccer and netball gala pitting six local high schools. Over 1000 members of the community are expected to grace the occasion where Professor Lovemore Madhuku will be the Guest of Honour.

Inserted by the Information department
For more information contact PYD Director
Email: ;
Mobile phone: +263773010331

Friday, 9 March 2012

PYD International Women Day statement

 Empower Rural Women – End Hunger and Poverty.”

Platform for Youth Development Trust (PYD) joins the rest of the world in commemorating the International Women’s day. As an organisation working with rural women, the theme could not come at a better time than now. Rural women have endured the brunt of sweating to end poverty and hunger in their respective homes. Living in a country with high unemployment, rural women have not been spared of temptations to shelve their values as they seek to make ends meet.
Rural young women have been exposed to girl pledging and other traditional social cultures without considering their right to choice. They continue to live under horrible conditions which relegate them to spectators and subjects of decision made in their absence. Claiming and fighting for their rights is translated to mean being rebellious by a culture that is not sincere to the changing demands of the 21st century.
Due to HIV/AIDS, rural young women have been exposed to breadwinning roles which in normal circumstances should be the business of elder family members. The burden of breadwinning has never been light to the extent that some of them have dropped out of school to donate their labour for survival.
Societal backwardness has also worked to deny rural young women education. Scores of societies still do not believe in the education of the girl child. Young girls are recruited from rural areas for exploitation as domestic workers sacrificing their education on the altar of money and greediness.   
Our appeal to the government of Zimbabwe is to create an enabling environment for women to escape threatening poverty and hunger. The empowerment project in Zimbabwe has not been advantageous to women especially young women who have not been accorded the same opportunity to own means of production. Society has not been welcoming and receptive of women’s ideas and ventures. Successful women in business have often been tagged immoral or loose. Should we allow our society to continue to suffocate women and deny them an opportunity to leave peaceful and decent lives?
It is high time government place stringent laws that criminalise employing underage girls in domestic work. The biggest empowerment that young women need at the moment is education. If they are educated they are automatically extricated from poverty and hunger. We can end poverty and hunger by empowering women to be masters of their own destiny.
Together for an equal society with empowered women, poverty and hunger can be a thing of the past. Let’s work together.
Inserted by Information and Communications Department