Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Statement on the International Day of Peace

"As we forge ahead let us continue to exert our energy in fostering unity, peace, development and equality of opportunity of all our people," President Mugabe at the official opening of the 4th session of the 7th parliament.
Platform for Youth Development PYD joins the rest of the world in commemorating the International Day of Peace. We salute all individuals, organisations and governments that have committed resources and effort towards ensuring that peace prevails in the world. We are also indebted to our local organisations and movements that subscribe to the global message of peace.
As a youth organisation, we feel honoured by our involvement in peace campaigns. We are very cognisant of the value of peace in national development and democratic processes. We therefore wish to challenge all Zimbabweans to respect and honour President Mugabe’s message of peace in the country. The only question that remain unanswered is the President’s level of commitment to peace when his own party is unrepentant and responsible for the recent spate of violence at Parliament building, Fourth Street bus terminus and Mbare suburb.
As we approach the referendum, we call upon the people of Zimbabwe to respect and make a pledge for peace in the country. Zimbabweans should now begin to see elections as a democratic necessity and not a battle zone. Elections provide citizens with freedom and right to choose a political party that present the best opportunities for them. This is something that can be done in a peaceful manner without fighting and killing one another.
PYD believes peace is a critical element if Zimbabwe is to develop itself into a mature democracy that meets regional and international emulation. This clarion call demand concerted effort towards creating a peaceful environment for every citizen. It is thus imperative that messages of peace be reinforced and amplified for Zimbabwe to gain faith from its citizenry.
We wish to raise concern over the lackadaisical manner in which COPAC is conducting its business at the Rainbow Towers. We believe the new constitution is a critical foundation of peace hence should be properly handled. We become worried when politicking and partisan tendencies become the order of the day even at the uploading stage.
PYD is increasingly worried that the organ on National Healing and Reconciliation and Integration has already thrown the towel and accepted failure when it was everyone’s hope that they were going to be engine for a once more peaceful Zimbabwe.
Lastly we feel betrayed by the current Indigenization and Empowerment drive which is being handled in a partisan manner by Minister Kasukuwere. Just recently the nation woke up to the news that marauding Zanu PF youths were grabbing buildings and businesses in Masvingo and Chiredzi in total defiance of the principles of peace. The biggest question from young people is whether the Empowerment drive is genuine and if so how does Chisumbanje ethanol project fare noting that Billy Rautenbauch and Graeme Smith are all controversial investors.
Compiled by Information and Communications Department
P Bag 5004 Checheche
Cell: +263773010331, 0773011599

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